Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Our Haiti Trip

What an amazing trip Wendy and I had in Haiti! We experienced so many amazing things and saw God move in amazing ways! We had the opportunity to pass out Bibles to the workers at the orphanage and at the guest house to all of the adult workers. The cool thing was that these were bibles given to us by Brian Lundy, who has worked with the Olympic Bible Project at the Olympic games, and were in the Haitian language of Creole. There are very few books written in this language and these precious people were so excited to see any book; let alone a bible, in their native language, that on several occasions they sat down and began to read the bible immediately! It was a huge blessing. Our primary reason was, of course to meet two children in particular whom we'd been asked to pray about adopting. So- meet Marie Ange and Jameson.

Marie Ange is a happy, healthy 7 year old girl in Port Au Prince, Haiti. She is bright, loving and caring and, though she and her brother have been orphaned by their parents for over 18 months now, she is very well adjusted. Marie Ange has the biggest, best dimples in the world when she flashes her smile!

Jameson is Marie Ange’s 5 year old brother. During our visit to the orphanage, he showed himself as a natural born athlete. He loves balls; shooting them, tthrowing them, catching them, spinning them– you name it (he and Caleb will get along fine!). Jameson has a quick and beautiful smile and is amazingly happy and easy going.

The attitude and disposition of these kids is nothing short of miraculous. When you consider what these precious kids have already faced in life, it is very humbling to see their joy in the face of it all. I will never doubt the truth of Psalm 68:5-6: a father of the fatherless and a champion of the widows is God in His holy dwelling. God provides homes to those who are deserted. Our trip was amazing and we definitely fell in love with our new kids! We have about a 10-12 month process left before we will actually bring these kids home, but the Lord is good and will sustain us! Thanks for all of your prayers and please remember the dire circumstances in Haiti and the orphans of this place.

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